Aug 14, 2018 | Community, Home Inspection, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
Most people associate the deadly gas carbon monoxide (CO) with wintertime when heating systems are running. In reality, avoiding carbon monoxide exposure is a year-round challenge. CO is the byproduct of the combustion process caused by burning wood or fuels. Exposure...
Jul 13, 2018 | Community, Home Inspection, Home Maintenance, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home, Seasonal
Many people are surprised by how much higher their energy bills can be in the summer as opposed to the winter, especially if they have central air conditioning. The fact is that delivering heat to a building is fairly simple and easy, but removing heat is complicated....
Jun 13, 2018 | Community, Homeowners, Safe & Healthy Home
Feeling safe in your own home is a privilege everyone should have. When you go on vacation and you are not there to look after your property, it is good to be proactive and aware of your home’s security. Here are some tips to keep your home safe while away on...
May 16, 2018 | Community, Homeowners, Seasonal
You don’t need to hire a landscaping company to have a lawn that your neighbors envy. With a few simple strategies, you can grow a beautiful lawn and maintain it without spending a lot of time or money. 1. Water Infrequently but Deeply If you’re lightly...