Giving your home’s interior a fresh coat of paint is an easy and quick way to renovate the space. When painting, there are tips you can learn from the pros to save time and improve the quality of your work. To paint your home like a pro, here are seven helpful tips.

Use This Advice to Paint Your Home Like a Pro

1. Paint Like a Pro: Consider the Weather

When painting at home, take the weather into account. Paint on dry days as rain and humidity slow down the drying process. If painting in bad weather, take your time and take advantage of the slow-drying paint to fix errors.

2. Prepare the Room to Paint Like Your Home a Pro

Before getting started, prepare the room and walls. Give yourself space to work by moving furniture out and covering any pieces too large to remove. To prepare the wall, wash it and sand down flaking, peeling, or cracked paint before using primer. Preparing the walls provides a smooth surface for painting.

3. Use High-Quality Paint for the Best Coverage

When deciding on the paint you want to use, always choose the high-quality option. Painting with good paint allows for better coverage while using less product. You’ll save money and time. Premium paint is more durable, making it worth the price in the long run.

4. Invest in Professional Equipment

Good quality equipment makes getting proper coverage easy. Professional brushes and roller covers save paint and time. Extra tools such as an extension pole are helpful to reach higher on walls without having to use a ladder. Good tools save time while also reducing the strain on your body.

5. Box the Paint for Consistent Color

Consult with a salesperson to determine exactly how much paint is needed for your home. Instead of using paint by gallon, mix the paint in one large container. Boxing the paint keeps the color consistent throughout your project. Additionally, this makes it easier to store the leftover paint.

6. Scrape the Windows Instead of Taping Them

Taping your windows takes a lot of time. Professional painters don’t waste time taping the glass. It’s easy to scrape dry paint with a razor blade from the glass. Skipping this step saves time when painting a room.

7. Keep the Room Well-Ventilated

Open a few windows and turn on fans to keep the space well ventilated when painting indoors. Good airflow speeds the drying process and allows the paint to dry evenly. Keeping the area well ventilated for a few days also eliminates unwanted odors from your painting project.

Homebuyer’s Inspection Service provides home inspection services to Dallas-Fort Worth and the surrounding areas. Contact us to schedule an inspection.